Business Name: Mustimuhw Information Solutions Inc.
License Number:
Address: 110, 314 Wale Road
Mustimuhw Information Solutions Inc. is an award-winning information management leader for Indigenous Health and Child & Family Services organizations. Our software solutions are the tools of choice for Indigenous organizations across Canada due to their ability to balance practice standards while meeting the unique cultural ways of working of our customers and the communities they serve. Our solutions are designed specifically for Indigenous service organizations. We specialize in client-centric health record documentation, virtual care technologies, and case management tools for Indigenous Health and Human Service organizations. We are a full-service organization who offer a wide range of core services to our customers to ensure their continued success in the use of our software solutions. Service is the secret of our success. Mustimuhw is a Coast Salish word meaning “all of the people”. It was selected by Cowichan Tribes Elders as the name for the community electronic medical record (cEMR). The teaching of “Nuts’amaat Squaluwun (One Heart, One Mind) has guided the development of the Mustimuhw cEMR. Our story is one of local community-based innovation leading to a successful Nation-based business supporting organizations across the country.