The purpose of the Committee is to facilitate greater collaboration and exchange of ideas between Council and the public to provide advice and recommendations to Council with respect to a wide range of matters related to land use, development, and community planning.
The Committee shall provide advice and make recommendations to Council on the following:
- Amendments to the Official Community Plan including related policies and procedures.
- Amendments to the Land Use Bylaw including rezoning and development variance permit applications.
- Temporary Use Permits.
- Community planning and development matters as requested by Council.
The Terms of Reference will guide the Committee in their role to advise Council,
Committee Membership:
- Five (5) community members
- James Parry
- Kathleen Doney
- Michael Holm
- Trina Gendall
- Catriona Murray
- Two (2) members of Council, one of which will serve as Chair.
- Councillor Ward (Chair)
- Councillor Jantzen
- Staff liaison and resources (non-voting members) shall include:
- Senior Member of Development Services Department (1);
- Senior Member of Community Planning Department (1);
- Corporate Services Recording Secretary (1)
Meeting Schedule
- The Committee shall meet at 6:30 PM on the first Monday of each month.
- All meetings shall take place at Colwood City Hall, 3300 Wishart Road, or at other locations specified in the “Notice of Meeting” and livestreamed to the city’s website.