Business Name: NM Consulting Inc.
License Number:
Address: 402 Pelican Drive
NM CONSULTING INC. is an executive management consulting firm established in 2017 with headquarters located in Victoria, British Columbia. Nichola Manning is the President of NM CONSULTING INC. Nichola has a solid background in change management, strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, organizational development, project and program management, policy development, and evaluation. Nichola is passionate about organizational excellence and assisting businesses deliver on their expected outcomes and client expectations. Her consulting services reflect her leadership philosophy, one that is focused on collaboration, inclusion and empowerment. With over 20 years experience in the BC Provincial Government and three years as an independent consultant, Nichola has a comprehensive understanding of private and public sector business models, including strategic, operational and political environments. She is knowledgeable in a variety of facilitation methods, is a skilled communicator, and is flexible in meeting the needs of her clients.