Help shape the future of Colwood.

Colwood Council and staff want to provide as many ways as possible for you to have your say about decisions that affect you and your neighbourhood.

Let's Talk Colwood is an online site where you can share your ideas on a range of topics. Your input will be included in reports to Council along with related data and information to help them make informed and durable decisions that reflect the needs and wishes of the community as a whole. Ongoing updates will allow you to see how your input is being considered.

Topics you care about.

Some of the topics of discussion over the coming year could include: Transportation Planning, Housing, Park Improvements, Active Transportation, Climate Actions, and more.

Sign in and speak up.

Anyone can view the Let's Talk Colwood site. To share your ideas you'll need to complete the simple sign in. All you need is your name, email, age group and postal code.

Let's talk, Colwood. Have a look at!