Mar 13, 2021
[Photo on the zipline: Colwood Mayor Rob Martin (right) and Ben Mycroft, Royal Bay Development Manager]

The much-awaited playground at Meadow Park Green in Colwood's Royal Bay neighbourhood officially opened today with a small, socially distanced event that included Colwood Mayor Rob Martin and members of Colwood Council, GableCraft staff and their children.


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Mar 10, 2021

Today, Mayor Rob Martin and members of Colwood Council and staff were treated to a demonstration by the West Shore RCMP Police Service Dogs and their handlers.

Mayor Martin volunteered to be tracked and apprehended by 8-year old German Shepherd Erik, under Corporal Melvin Sansome'...

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Mar 10, 2021

At their meeting on Monday, March 8, Colwood Council instructed staff to proceed with an ongoing program of new sidewalks and bike lanes in priority locations throughout the community over the next 10 years, with the goal of encouraging active transportation. The decision follows a lengthy discussion of the updated Active Transportation Plan at the...

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Mar 8, 2021

Have you noticed new street name signs being installed in some Colwood neighbourhoods? It's one simple step the City is taking to make people aware of walking and cycling...

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Mar 8, 2021

Placemaking is about reimagining spaces in fun and exciting ways through art, gardens, gathering areas, or other programming. 

At the end of 2020, the City of Colwood put out the call for great ideas from our residents to bring new energy to...

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Mar 2, 2021

Priority sidewalks and cycling routes considered for construction over the next 10 years


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Mar 1, 2021

Where: Latoria Boulevard at Latoria Road AND Metchosin Road south of Latoria Boulevard

When: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 7:00a.m. to 7:00p.m. until March 26, 2021

What:  Traffic Delays - Underground utility installations

Beginning on Tuesday March 2, 2021 and continuing through much of March, underground utility...

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Feb 26, 2021

This week, Colwood Council allocated up to $488,000 from the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund to support the Greater Victoria Housing Society’s redevelopment of Colwood Lodge at 85 Belmont Road, behind London Drugs.

Colwood has an Affordable Housing Policy that requires all new developments to contribute to an Affordable Housing Reserve Fund. This allows the City to redirect these funds...

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Feb 23, 2021

On Thursday, February 25, 2021 between 6:00 pm and 1:00 am the following morning, the Capital Regional District is scheduled to install an underground water main connection at the intersection of Sooke Road and Colwood Crescent near the Colwood Corners development.

Work will take place during night time hours to minimize disruption to the public.

Single land traffic is to be...

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Feb 4, 2021

Calendar Contest

We had so much fun putting this calendar together! We received over 180 photo submissions and have some very talented photographers in Colwood! After much deliberation, we are so excited to share this year's calendar...

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