Jan 29, 2021

You may have read news reports naming Colwood as one of Canada's sexiest cities. 

Is it surprising that romance ranks high in Colwood? Our City is home to miles of continuous ocean...

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Jan 19, 2021

The City of Colwood is excited to be embarking on a Waterfront Public Realm Improvement Plan to protect and enhance the City's unique shoreline areas.

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Jan 11, 2021

Latoria Creek Park is famous for its four long sets of nature stairs that allow visitors to wander down into the forested ravine with Latoria Creek meandering through it, and then up the other side and into nearby neighbourhoods.

Whether you're looking for a beautiful rain...

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Jan 4, 2021

Safe in the event of an earthquake

The required safety upgrades to the dam at Lookout Lake...

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Jan 1, 2021

If you think a passenger ferry service from Colwood to downtown Victoria is a tall order, wait until you hear what else Mayor Rob Martin has planned. In this episode, Colwood's Mayor opens up about his ambitious vision for Colwood's Royal Bay development. Martin explains how he planned to convince CRD politicians that a passenger ferry is a good idea. Also, can you say gondola?


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Dec 22, 2020

Westshore Market Insights and Trends for 2021

Business and development representatives in Colwood are invited to join Colwood's second Prosperity Roundtable discussion about COVID-19 business recovery (Read ...

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Dec 18, 2020

Have a great idea to enhance places in Colwood? 

We want you to get involved in creating special places and healthy community activities in Colwood. The City is offering up to $5,000 to be split between great project ideas from our residents.

Now, more than ever, we want to connect our community in a safe way and we want your help! The concept of placemaking is helping to ...

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Dec 15, 2020

As one of the five municipalities who jointly own West Shore Parks & Recreation, on December 14, 2020 Colwood Council supported reopening the Juan de Fuca Pool. To cover Colwood's portion of the cost to safely reopen, $146,778 was allocated from the amount the City received from the Canada-BC Safe Restart Fund.


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Dec 7, 2020

GableCraft Homes is the recipient of four CARE Awards from the Victoria Residential Builders Association - including Best Subdivision - for their community building work at Royal Bay in Colwood.

The CARE Awards showcase outstanding projects by Canada’s leaders in sustainable West Coast design and construction. These awards are...

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Dec 4, 2020

Where:  Lagoon Bridge on Ocean Boulevard

When:   Sunday, December 13, 2020, 8am to 2pm

What:    Temporary closure for filming - Colwood is being featured in a Hallmark Movie


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