May 21, 2020

Where: Metchosin Road between Latoria Boulevard and Cotlow Road

When: Approximately 5-7 weeks beginning May 25, 2020 from 7am to 5pm

What: Landscaping and tree planting


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May 15, 2020

The best place to find information about recent Council decisions is by viewing Council videos and reading the associated agendas, minutes, reports and plans. You'll find all the details at

The highlights linked below present an overview of selected items to help residents pinpoint issues that are important to them...

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May 13, 2020

The City of Colwood has begun to re-open parking areas at local parks and beaches, based on the direction of the Provincial Health Officer and the Restart BC Plan.

Just as physical distancing at grocery stores and other public places has become...

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May 12, 2020

Colwood Council will not increase municipal taxes in 2020, recognizing the financial stress the current pandemic has created for many residents facing layoffs, reduced hours and business closures. 

The City will also bring forward a plan to align commercial tax rates with the regional average over the next five years, to support Colwood businesses in a strong economic recovery.


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May 6, 2020

Pedestirans and cyclists are not permitted on Ocean Boulevard during paving work

The City has been taking advantage of current closures to plan and undertake repairs along Ocean Boulevard...

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May 1, 2020

This past winter was particularly rough on roads throughout the region, and Ocean Boulevard in Colwood takes an extra beating with storm surges sending salt water up onto the asphalt. 

Colwood Engineering and Public Works staff have been gearing up for asphalt repairs along Ocean Boulevard while the road has been closed temporarily to limit large gatherings and slow the spread of COVID-...

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Apr 28, 2020

At their meeting on April 27, 2020, Colwood Council supported revised off-street parking standards specific to the Commons in Royal Bay and the Landing at Royal Beach. A public hearing and bylaw amendments are required before these new standards would come into effect for new buildings constructed in these areas.

Off-street parking standards refer to the number of spaces property owners...

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Apr 28, 2020

Based on a report that first went to Council back in July 2019, Colwood will move forward with a Request for Proposals for mobile food vendors to offer food for sale at the Lagoon Beach on Ocean Boulevard between May and August in coming years.

"While it may seem strange to be planning for activities that are not currently encouraged as we all work to stop the spread of...

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Apr 27, 2020

On April 15th, Colwood hosted the first in a series of virtual Business Roundtables with members of the local business and development community to help the City better understand the direct impact COVID-19 is having on Colwood businesses and share ideas about concrete actions to help Colwood move through this crisis and towards recovery. All Colwood businesses were also invited to provide...

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Apr 24, 2020

As we all work to stop the spread of COVID-19, fire safety is more important than ever so that we are not tying up first responders unnecessarily.

Open burning is not permitted in Colwood

Please note that open burning is not permitted in Colwood. Propane fire pits and chimineas may be used, but please be considerate of neighbours who may be experiencing respiratory issues due...

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