Apr 21, 2020

In response to the overwhelming popularity of the Branch Drop Off on Saturday, April 18, the City will temporarily expanding the service to accept yard waste EVERY SATURDAY starting April 25th and continuing through May.

Steps will be taken to better manage line-ups, turning movements and flow through. Please follow the directions of staff and signage, and please have...

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Apr 15, 2020

Colwood Council is planning a 0% increase in municipal property tax for 2020. The City will also bring in a five-year phased approach to align Colwood's business tax rates with the regional average, starting in 2020.

Recognizing the financial stress residents and businesses are under, Colwood Council is unanimous in their desire to support the community through this crisis and position...

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Apr 8, 2020

The Colwood Public Works team is continuing with road repairs as much as possible amid ongoing COVID-19 response actions, which must take priority. 

Public Works staff have been on the front lines of this crisis, implementing closures and intensified cleaning and waste management procedures based on the direction of the Provincial Health Officer. These steps are in addition to their...

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Apr 2, 2020

On April 1st, Mayor Rob Martin spoke with the West Shore Business podcast to give an update on the City of Colwood's COVID-19 response.

Listen to the podcast

Mayor Martin covers several topics:

  • how Colwood is helping to stop the spread of COVID-19
  • ...
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Apr 2, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public access to Colwood City Hall is not permitted at this time, however Colwood Council and City staff are working to continue the business of the City and position our community for a healthy recovery from this crisis.

As always, you can watch City Meetings by live stream ...

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Mar 31, 2020

The speed and extent of the measures that the Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments have taken to this point have surprised us all. The world looked a lot different just a month ago.


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Mar 30, 2020

Public garbage bins are currently closed in Colwood to limit the spread of COVID-19 through common points of contact on public surfaces. This also allows City crews to focus on critical infrastructure needs.

This is a temporary measure that is being monitored daily.

Closing the bins makes it clear they are not able to be serviced as regularly as usual. We are calling on the...

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Mar 30, 2020

Ongoing development in Colwood is keeping workers on the job and may help position the City for an economic rebound as we move through this COVID-19 outbreak. Strict adherence to Provincial Health Orders related to physical distance and gatherings is required in all activity.

Several significant Colwood sites are currently in progress. Below is a brief overview of four sites: Royal Bay...

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Mar 25, 2020

Mayor Martin's message to residents

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Mar 24, 2020

The City of Colwood is taking steps toward the temporary closure of parking areas adjacent to Esquimalt Lagoon Beach, Royal Beach and City parks to limit gatherings and reduce the spread of COVID-19. 

This will include the temporary closure of Ocean Boulevard between Fort Rodd Hill and Lagoon Road beginning Wednesday, March 25, 2020 until further notice.

Beaches and parks remain ...

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