Active Transportation

We are working to make it easier, safer and more enjoyable for residents and visitors to walk or cycle in Colwood.

Improving Mobility is one of Colwood Council's four strategic priorities, and strengthening our Active Transportation Network is one of the key tactics to help achieve that goal.

Active transportation is important for personal health as well as the health of our environment. More people walking and cycling means fewer cars on the roads and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Active Transportation Network Plan

The Active Transportation Network Plan will map out active transportation networks and project priorities to make it easier for cyclists, pedestrians, and people with disabilities to travel in and through Colwood, improve road safety and work to meet our climate targets. This includes setting goals, establishing design standards for new and updated infrastructure, and identifying key projects that will better connect neighbourhoods and increase active transportation safety and comfort in Colwood. Learn more and share your ideas on Let's Talk Colwood.

Trail networks proposed in the Parks & Recreation Master Plan

The Parks & Recreation Master Plan recommends a network of interconnected trails throughout Colwood. Several trail routes are envisioned, including a Community Waterfront Route, a Royal Beach to Mountain Route, a Latoria Mountain to Beach Route, and others. Read more at

Galloping Goose bridge over Sooke Road

The City has applied for funding to construct a Galloping Goose overpass as part of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. Read more about the Galloping Goose overpass.

Priority routes for new sidewalks and cycling

An updated Active Transportation Plan proposed priority routes where new sidewalks and bike lanes will be designed and constructed over the next ten years. At the same time we will work to create an interconnected trail system that encourages walking and cycling for recreation, daily needs or as part of a healthy commute.

The list of potential routes the City would like to complete is long and choices must be made based on the criteria outlined in Colwood's Transportation Master Plan and Active Transportation Plan.

First phase of new sidewalk projects

The priority active transportation list includes sections of the following routes as the first phase in a 10-year program: 

  • Metchosin Road route to Dunsmuir Middle School
  • Painter Road route to Dunsmuir Middle School
  • Benhomer Road route to Dunsmuir Middle School
  • Owens Road route between Wishart Elementary School and Dunsmuir Middle School
  • Hagel Road at David Cameron Elementary
  • Kelly Road route to Colwood Elementary School
  • Lagoon Road route to Sangster School
  • Metchosin Road route to Sangster Elementary School
  • Metchosin Road South cycling improvements
  • Metchosin Road North cycling improvements

**Watch this April 11, 2023 Council video to learn about some of the many considerations that go into planning new sidewalks.

Scoping and scheduling projects in a financially responsible way that best meets community need

A project scoping process will help determine the design and details for each project, then budget capacity will have to be created to support design and construction. Timing may be coordinated to align with new developments or other infrastructure projects. Public input will be an important part of the project scoping process before each route's detailed design is undertaken. 

Steps to enhance safety and maintain neighbourhood charm throughout Colwood

Neighbourhood and community safety, comfort, and quality is always a priority of the City. While new sidewalks are being built, the City will also pilot a variety of traffic calming measures on roadways in several locations in an effort to reduce vehicle speeds and increase the comfort and safety of our streets.

Part of the charm of Colwood is that we have a wide range of neighbourhoods that were all built in different times with different priorities. While newer streets may have sidewalks, bike lanes, lighting, and the deep utilities of storm, water, and sewer, many established neighbourhoods are rich in mature trees, landscaping and the charm of a bygone era. Care will need to be taken to create improvements while preserving the special nature of these well-loved streets and neighbourhoods.

Read about many other transportation initiatives in the works, from traffic monitoring to transit improvements and intersection upgrades at

Stay informed about Council decisions

Watch for more details about each project to come forward over the coming year. Meeting agendas and videos are available at Subscribe for meeting and news updates by email at

Read more at: Council sets priority routes for first round of new sidewalks and Priority sidewalk locations discussed at Committee of the Whole