
Location, location, location

Colwood is home to outstanding filming locations. Few communities offer full access to a castle, a lighthouse, miles of ocean beachfront and old growth forest, parks and lakes, as well as comfortable neighbourhood areas. Hatley Castle in Colwood is the city's most recognizable film location, made popular by major projects like the X-Men series, Smallville and many others. 

The film industry in BC employs thousands of  people and results in spending and business opportunities in our community. Dollars spent in our community are re-circulated to other businesses, multiplying the financial benefit Colwood receives by attracting film productions. Showcasing Colwood's beautiful west coast waterfront location to national and international audiences also has the potential to attract new interest and investment in our city, the Capital Region and Vancouver Island.

Get approval to film

Please complete the Film Permit Application webform below and someone on our team will contact you. For more information contact

Once you have confirmed site availability with the site manager, complete the City of Colwood Application for Filming. Permission to proceed with filming will be provided only AFTER the City of Colwood confirms the application has been completed and approved.

If the filming may impact the surrounding community, businesses and residents in the vicinity of filming must be notified of the activity at least two business days prior to filming.

Contact Person Mailing Address

Follow these guidelines while on location

To ensure a good relationship between residents and your company producing the film, television or video, you must follow these guidelines below.

  • Notify residents and businesses directly impacted by the filming in writing, at least two business days prior to filming, with a copy submitted to Colwood City Hall. The letter must include:
    • The title of the production, contact information for the production office and brief details on the project;
    • Dates and times crews will be working in the area with a description of what the crew will be doing;
    • Impacts to the neighbourhood including street closures, parking, noise and lights from the lighting set.
    • Where your production vehicles are permitted to park, including any closures, detours or after hours filming that may affect the area; and
    • The name and phone number of the location manager and the assistant location manager.
  • Place signage in the area where filming is taking place to advise the public. Filming involving loud special effects, gunfire, etc. requires a larger notification area.
  • Ensure your staff act in a safe and professional manner. This includes refraining from trespassing, littering, lewd or improper language or dress.
  • Take care that vehicle and generator exhausts and spill over lighting do not negatively affect residents and businesses. The safety of the public and enjoyment of their property should not be jeopardized.
  • Ensure your production crews clean up and restore the location to its original condition at the end of filming unless otherwise directed by the City of Colwood.
  • You must notify the site manager and obtain his/her approval for any schedule changes, use of parking or utilities, accessibility issues, etc. before shooting begins.

Filming in my Neighbourhood

​The City of Colwood and the film companies understand that filming may temporarily impact the regular routines of your neighbourhood. We appreciate your patience and cooperation. To help you prepare, here is a list of what to expect when filming activities are taking place in your neighborhood or when a film company wants to film on your property.

What to Expect

When film productions arrive at their filming site, they often come with a lot of people, trucks and equipment. Although the City of Colwood works with film companies to limit the potential impact in your neighborhood, it will generate activity and may require some changes in your daily routine.

This may require that pedestrian and vehicle access in your area be limited, before, during and after filming. There can also be street closures, intermittent traffic control, traffic and pedestrian delays, parking restrictions, increased noise, and additional light from the set lighting.

Public Notice

Film productions are required to notify property owners and residents to be impacted by the proposed filming, in writing, through a public notice. This notice includes a brief description of the filming activity, how it will impact your neighborhood, a detailed map with times and locations, and contact information. The notice must be distributed door-to-door at least 48 hours before the beginning of the event. It must also be displayed in the area where filming will be taking place at least 24 hours before the event, and distributed to the passing or visiting public during the event whenever requested

As a property owner and/or resident of that neighborhood, you are encouraged to contact the production company if you have any questions, concerns or needs in regards to their filming activities. As a guest in your neighborhood, they are required to accommodate any reasonable request you may have.

Who to Contact

Contact the film company indicated on your public notice if you have any question, concern or need in regards to the upcoming or immediate filming activities in your neighborhood.

For general questions regarding filming in Colwood property, contact Colwood City Hall at 250-478-5999 or