Seniors Engagement

We strive to make Colwood welcoming, comfortable and safe for people of all ages and all levels of mobility.

In December 2014, the City of Colwood earned an Age-friendly Community Planning grant of $20,000 from the BC Seniors' Housing and Support Initiative.

An Age-friendly community meets the diverse and changing needs of older adults, encouraging them to comfortably and safely age and engage in their community. Age-friendly cities are also highly accessible for all users, whether they have mobility issues or are pushing a stroller, and provides a high quality of life for all ages. 

Is Colwood Age-Friendly?

The first step was an external review of Colwood's current age-friendliness, assessing everything from City plans and bylaws, to facilities, infrastructure, programs and services. Guided by the World Health Organization Global Age Friendly Cities Guide, engagement focused on eight key features of an age-friendly community: Outdoor Spaces, Public Transportation, Housing, Community Support & Health Services, Social Participation, Respect & Civic Life, Employment & Volunteerism and Communications.

Hearing from you

The City invited seniors and other community members to share their experience of each of these aspects of Colwood and provide input through a survey. 

Community members were also invited to attend a workshop on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 from 3-6pm at the Juan de Fuca Fieldhouse at 1767 Island Hwy in Colwood, and a follow up workshop at City Hall.

Read the Colwood Age Friendly Community Plan

Colwood Council received the Colwood Age Friendly Community Plan [pdf] at their meeting on March 14, 2016, and directed staff to consider age-friendly objectives in every project undertaken. Staff will also prepare a Council resolution that demonstrates the City’s commitment to becoming an age friendly community.