Public Engagement

We want to hear from you!

We encourage residents to get involved in decisions that affect you and share your thoughts about the future of your community.

Colwood Council is working to find new ways to inform and involve residents:

Your input will be most effective if you understand the Public Participation Process:

  • Who is responsible for making the final decision?
  • What are the steps in the decision making process?
  • What are the factors and considerations that will weigh into the decision?
  • What are the timelines?
  • What are the venues for public input?

There are many ways to provide input, and we strive to provide enhanced opportunities on topics that may have the greatest impact. 

Online Action Request Form

Notice a streetlight out, a road repair issue, or something that needs attention in a local park? Please let us know! The easiest and best way to do that is by using the online Action Request form.

Your request will be automatically logged into our Action Tracking system for prompt review, attention and follow up.  
Action Request Form

Writing or speaking to Colwood Council

Write to Council any time at or 3300 Wishart Road, Colwood, BC V9C 1R1.

Residents may also speak at a Council meeting during Public Participation. The Mayor will invite people to share their thoughts near the beginning of the meeting.

Understanding petitions

Petitions are received for consideration by Council as information alongside other correspondence and input. As noted on the BC Government website: "There is no requirement for a local government to take action if a petition is received; however, an informal petition can be a useful tool to bring a local matter to the council or board's attention."

Let's Talk Colwood online engagement platform

Learn about current initiatives, provide input, view engagement outcomes and follow how input is being used as Council makes decisions. Let's Talk, Colwood!
Let's Talk Colwood

@CityofColwood on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

The City uses social media as another way to inform and engage the public, as well as to showcase aspects of our City to a broader audience. 

Colwood Facebook  Colwood Twitter  Colwood Instagram