
Colwood Heritage Vision Statement

Colwood takes bold steps to protect its surviving built heritage resources and implements innovative approaches to conserve and celebrate its intangible heritage and historically important landscapes.

By the year 2025 Colwood is widely viewed as a national leader in heritage conservation and the community's understanding and support of what we have saved for future generations has generated significant pride of place.

Colwood Heritage Strategy

To achieve its vision for heritage, the City of Colwood is developing its first Heritage Strategy. While there are well known National and Provincial heritage sites in Colwood, such as Hatley Castle, Fort Rodd Hill, and Fisgard Lighthouse, and a Heritage Inventory that lists other heritage buildings, we are curious to know about other sites, buildings or landscapes that you consider significant. The strategy will reflect what is important to residents of Colwood about the community’s past, and what to preserve as the city grows.

Colwood Heritage Inventory

The City of Colwood does not currently have a Heritage Registry. However, a Heritage Inventory was created in 1988, listing properties deemed to have historical significance at that time. The inventory was recently reviewed and updated to remove sites that no longer exist.

Share your thoughts about Colwood heritage

We need your help to create the strategy. Complete a survey, designed to help us better understand what you are most interested in for the Heritage Strategy.The survey should take less 10 minutes of your time, and completing it will automatically enter you into a draw for one of three Colwood gift baskets featuring prizes like gift cards to local coffee shops, passes to Fort Rodd Hill & Fisgard Lighthouse, the Colwood Chronicles book of Colwood history and a set of popular Colwood mugs.

Colwood Heritage Commission

In 2019, Colwood reactivated its Heritage Commission to bring renewed focus to the conservation and promotion of heritage sites within the City. Information about the Commission and related resources can be found on the Heritage Commission page. 

Take a look at Colwood's Historical Timeline for a snapshot of some significant events in our community's history.