Colwood Clean Team - Litter Pick Form

Arrange a litter pick to help keep our community clean, green, and  LITTER FREE!

Are you part of a group that might be interested in organizing a community clean up in your neighbourhood?

The Colwood Parks Team has litter pick kits that residents can book.

Kits include litter pickers, gloves, and garbage bags. When you return the kit you can also leave the garbage bags for disposal. 

Your efforts will be an example that fosters pride in our community and discourages litterbugs!

Have questions? Call the Parks team at 250-474-4133.

Complete the form below to get started. A member of the Colwood Parks team will contact you to finalize plans.

This information is collected only to assist residents interested in arranging a litter pick and will not be viewed, used, or shared for any other purpose. 

Please select the date you plan to organize your group for a litter pick in Colwood, and a time to pick up your litter pick kit on that date.
Please describe the neighbourhood, park, and/or specific street(s) where you plan to pick up litter.

You will be responsible for making sure you and your group are aware of safety issues. Read these safety considerations carefully and click to indicate your agreement below.

Important safety considerations:
• Wear the gloves provided to minimize contact with dangerous materials.
• Wear clothing that is clearly visible to traffic and pedestrians.
• Children must be accompanied by an adult parent or guardian.
• Plan your pick during the daylight hours, avoiding the hottest part of the day in summer.
• Wear proper footwear and weather-appropriate clothing.
• Stay on sidewalks, trails, parks, and public areas. Do not step into or attempt to remove litter from roads.
• Avoid reaching into hedges or undergrowth that may scratch your face, eyes, or skin. If you cannot reach an item with your litter picker, leave it.
• Be aware of wildlife. Avoid disturbing animals and birds that may be nesting in the spring, and wasp and bee nests in the summer.
• Do not attempt to litter pick in areas that may be private property or where other works are underway.
• Do not attempt to lift heavy items.

Know what to do with dangerous items:
• Drug related materials including needles should not be moved, please note the location and report it to Colwood Public Works immediately at 250-474-4133
• Broken glass - avoid contact by hand. Remove using a litter picker and dispose in a sturdy container.
• Any unknown or potentially hazardous waste should be left in place and reported to Colwood Public Works at 250-474-4133.