Key Focus
- Creating an inclusive, accessible and connected community
- Preservation and promotion of our natural and cultural heritage
- Maintaining and enhancing high quality parks in Colwood
- Victoria Family Court & Youth Justice
- Alternate - Climate Action Inter-Municipal Task Force
Councillor Day is pleased to be continuing the work she began in 2002 when first elected to represent the people of Colwood. She continues to advocate for high quality parks, preservation and promotion of our natural and cultural heritage and creating an affordable and liveable community. She is a knowledgeable and passionate advocate for creating an inclusive, accessible and connected community.
Working closely with staff at West Shore Parks and Recreation and members of the Inter-municipal Advisory Committee on Disability Issues, Cynthia ensured grants were received by all Five West Shore Municipalities to increase accessibility throughout our region and participated in the creation and publishing of a guide to accessible trails. The User Friendly Trail Guide was a follow up to the highly successful Walk the West Shore Guide featuring new amenities such as the Accessible Art Space at Esquimalt Lagoon and grew out of the shared vision as teams from all municipalities participated in the Disability for a Day Event held at West Shore Parks and Recreation. Partnership with CRD Parks made a larger and more comprehensive guide possible. The online guide will be updated as new amenities become accessible. Free paper copies are available at West Shore Parks and Recreation or Colwood City Hall. This guide was created through available provincial grants and did not require Colwood Tax dollars! Check out the elevation profiles that help users identify how steep the trails might be and how far it is to a rest stop, view point or amenity. Great for seniors, young families and anyone looking to find great opportunities to get out into the natural environment easily.
Councillor Day actively supports Council’s work plan which includes increasing opportunities for commercial businesses to come to Colwood and creating a transportation plan for the future. Councillor Day is proud to support the Artistic Economy which over the past five years has brought $385,000 in Fine Art and Crafts sales, $190,000 in Arts and Crafts Education and $275,000 worth of support projects to the local Colwood Economy. She supports the continued expansion of this valued economic driver.
Councillor Day is proud to have promised and delivered online video of meetings to enable more people to participate. She supports ongoing improvement through upgrades to our website and ongoing consultation with residents to ensure that everyone`s voice is heard and valued.
As Chair of the Victoria Family Court and Youth Justice Committee, which represents all thirteen municipalities and all three school districts in the Capital Regional District, She advocates for those services that make our community more affordable both locally and provincially. She advocates for services close to home, including Restorative Justice and mental health services, especially for youth. Through this committee and with a very small budget she brings the Children of the Street Society interactive theatre productions to our schools annually to educate youth about potential threats and risks in today's society.
See the Contacts page for current contact information.