- Alternate - Capital Regional District Board
- Alternate - Capital Region Hospital District Board
- Alternate - Capital Region Housing Corporation
A senior executive with 15+ years experience in national and international business, Councillor Ward (Ian) is educated in part at both UBC Sauder School of Business and locally at Royal Roads University. Ian has also volunteered locally, regionally, and internationally, and is a Certified Professional in HR (CPHR); blending formal education with two-plus decades of demonstrated leadership in financial management, people & change management, organizational effectiveness, and strategic planning.
Committed to integrity, transparency and accountability, Ian is passionate about delivering effective and proactive communication, decisive leadership, fiscal responsibility and innovative thinking to the myriad challenges and opportunities facing the City of Colwood.
Ian resides in the Royal Bay area of Colwood with his wife and two children. He has a child enrolled in SD62 and two family members active locally with JDF soccer.
It is important to Ian that Colwood remain a safe, vibrant seaside community, and one that continues to develop responsibly for the benefit of the entire community. Accordingly, Ian’s primary objectives this term are focused on: Responsible Development, Community Engagement, Fiscal Responsibility, Infrastructure/Services, and regional collaboration on Healthcare and Transportation.