NOTICE IS GIVEN that Council of the City of Colwood will consider First, Second, and Third Reading at the Regular Meeting of Council on Monday, May 27, 2024, at 6:30 pm in relation to the following bylaws:

  • Colwood Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1700-12 (Transit-Oriented Areas Designation)
  • Colwood Land Use Bylaw No. 151, 1989, Amendment No. 213 (Infill Housing), Bylaw No. 2026, 2024
  • Off-Street Parking Regulations Bylaw No. 1909-1 (Transit-Oriented Areas Designation)

PURPOSE: To amend the current ColwoodOfficialCommunity Plan BylawNo. 1700, Colwood Land Use Bylaw No. 151, 1989, and Off-Street Parking Regulations Bylaw No. 1909 to align the Bylaws with provincial requirements stemming from Legislative Bill 44 Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act and Legislative Bill 47 Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendments Act.

SUBJECT PROPERTY: The bylaw amendments apply to all lands within the City of Colwood.

INSPECTION OF MATERIALS: Copies of the proposed bylaws and related materials can be viewed here or in person at Colwood City Hall from May 15 to May 27, 2024 between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday excluding statutory  holidays.

We want to hear from you!


The deadline for written submissions is 12:00 pm on the day of the meeting and must include your name and civic address.


Mail/Drop-off: City of Colwood, 3300 Wishart Road, Colwood, BC V9C 1R1


In Person: The public is welcome to provide comments in person during the public participation portion of the meeting.

Electronically: To pre-register to speak please contact up until noon on the day of the meeting.


Contact Community Planning at (250) 478-5053 ext. 107 or