Active Transportation Committee

Meeting Schedule
Terms of Reference

The purpose of the Committee is to facilitate greater collaboration and exchange of ideas between Council and the public to provide advice and recommendations related to active transportation.  Active Transportation is any form of human-power transportation including walking, cycling, public transit, ridesharing, rollerblading, skateboarding, electric mobility devices including wheelchairs and mobility scooters.

The Terms of Reference will guide the Committee in their role to advise Council,

Committee Membership:

  • Five (5) community members 
    • Angus Stewart
    • Cameron Leah
    • Colin Sparks
    • David Lacey
    • Stephan Doyle
  • One (1) member of Council to serve as Chair and one (1) member of Council appointed as alternate.
    • Councillor Jantzen (Chair)
    • Councillor Jordison (Alternate)


Designated staff liaison and resources (non-voting members) shall include:

  • Senior Member of Engineering Department (1)
  • Senior Member of the Public Works Department (1)
  • Senior Member of Community Planning (1)
  • Corporate Services Recording Secretary (1)

Meeting Schedule

  • The Committee shall meet four (4) times a year at 6:30 PM on the third Monday of February, April, June, and October.
  • All meetings shall take place at Colwood City Hall, 3300 Wishart Road, or at other locations specified in the “Notice of Meeting” and livestreamed to the city’s website.