Take it slow as kids head back to school

Road with a yellow center line and white "SLOW" lettering painted on the asphalt, indicating a speed reduction zone.

With kids returning to school next week, roads will be very busy. Please drive safely and give yourself extra travel time.

Crosswalks and stop lines are being repainted throughout Colwood now to increase visibility and maximize safety for students and drivers. Thanks for your patience if you encounter the line painting crews in your travels. 

School zone safety reminders for drivers:

  • Give yourself extra time – traffic will be more congested and your drive times may be affected.
  • Don’t be distracted – put your phone away, set down the coffee, and keep your eyes on the road.
  • Slow down – obey the posted speed limit and carefully watch for kids who may dart out.
  • Stop for buses – wait until the school bus lights stop flashing and students are safely clear of the roadway before proceeding.
  • Obey parking signs – don't park in no parking zones. It is important to keep bus zones and emergency accesses clear. Plan ahead for a designated drop-off and pick-up spot.
  • Never stop or park in a cycling lane – A car in the cycling lane means students on bicycles are forced to swerve into the vehicle lane, putting both the cyclist and other drivers at risk. You may be ticketed if you stop or park in a cycling lane.

Encourage kids to walk

A group of smiling children with backpacks walking to school, with the text "Walk to School: Good for a youthful mind, body, and community. Live life to the fullest" and the Colwood logo.

As Colwood continues to build new sidewalks, cycling lanes and trail connections throughout the community, we encourage families to walk or cycle to school. (Curious where new sidewalks are planned? Read about the seven sidewalk projects planned for 2022/23 and the vision for a mountain to beach trail network in the Parks & Recreation Master Plan.)

Consider the many benefits of encouraging kids walk a few extra steps on the way to school:

  • Walking is good for their physical health
  • Fresh air and exercise clears their mind for learning
  • Making their own way to school builds confidence
  • Walking creates opportunities to connect with other kids on the way
  • It frees up time in your morning
  • Replacing car travel with active travel is great for our environment
  • More kids walking and fewer cars on the road improves safety for everyone

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Media Contact

Sandra Russell, Communications Manager

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