Colwood gets $6M for Esquimalt Lagoon improvements

In The News
Goldstream News

Colwood is set to receive $6 million from the federal government to support the construction of new multi-use pathways and restore riparian vegetation at the Esquimalt Lagoon.

The funding was announced on a windy Monday (April 17) morning down at the Colwood waterfront. Despite the strong winds and cool temperatures, forcing speakers to don Colwood-branded toques courtesy of Mayor Doug Kobayashi and city staff, the mood was jubilant.

“This is so exciting,” said Kobayashi. “This is so big for the City of Colwood.”

“The waterfront is a destination that is cherished by residents and visitors of all of Greater Victoria, sometimes to the detriment of the natural environment. This grant will allow us to build a multi-use trail along the entire stretch of the southern edge of the city’s waterfront. It is the backbone of the city’s draft Waterfront Stewardship Plan, our Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and our Official Community Plan. At the same time, it adheres to the green shores guidelines to preserve the ecological integrity of the foreshore and the marine ecosystems, while indirectly fostering the economic growth of our newest developments at Royal Bay and Royal Beach.”

He said the new pathway will guide visitors to the lagoon through sensitive ecological areas, while minimizing the impact on the saltwater marsh and migratory bird nesting areas. It will also consider climate change, sea level rise and coastal erosion, with the upgrades serving to improve the community’s resilience to these factors.

There is no set start date for construction on the project as the draft plans are returning to the Waterfront Coastal Processes Committee for refinement. Kobayashi said the plan is expected to be complete sometime by summer, with the hope the construction tendering process and start of construction would begin as soon as possible.

The entire project is expected to be complete before this council’s term ends. The city and other levels of government will provide the remainder of the project’s funds.

Announced alongside the funding for Colwood was total federal investment of $103.5 million – including the $6 million for Colwood – for municipalities across B.C.

Other projects to be funded by the investment include fire halls, water and wastewater treatment plant upgrades, airport expansions, and bridge and road upgrades.

One particular project highlighted in a release following the announcement is the construction of new water lines in Fraser Lake intended to improve the safety of that community’s drinking water. Fraser Lake is also being funded for new storm sewers and a new sidewalk.