Reducing sign clutter and celebrating special places
Colwood has a new Neighbourhood Wayfinding Strategy that aims to improve sense of place by reducing sign clutter, helping people find special places in Colwood, encouraging active transportation and celebrating our unique neighbourhoods with clean, clear and consistent signage. Read about Colwood's neighbourhoods
Sustainable, accessible, responsible design
The signs are designed using sustainable elements that speak to Colwood’s natural seaside setting, in alignment with the design of existing parks signage: driftwood elements, durable materials, modular design for flexibility and affordability, and a considered approach to installation.
Consistent and attractive Colwood neighbourhood and directional signs will reduce sign clutter while supporting local businesses and assisting development teams by directing people to growing areas. Modular sign panels may be added and removed as needed for new or developing neighbourhoods. Private marketing signage can then be focused on private property within developing areas rather than on City boulevards.
A grant funded plan
The City earned a grant from the Canada Community Revitalization Fund to implement the first phase of new signs. Watch for neighbourhood signs, directional signs, and pedestrian signs over the coming months.