Colwood Fire Annual Halloween Event

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  • Location
    Colwood Fire Hall
    3215 Metchosin Road, Colwood, BC

    Don't miss the annual Halloween event at the Colwood Fire Hall on Metchosin Road

    Come out and join us for hot dogs, hot chocolate, treats, and fun! 

    The event starts at 5:00 pm and wraps up at 8:00 pm on Halloween night, October 31, 2022

    Trick or Treat at the Colwood Fire Hall event flyer with a pumpkin basket full of candy and spooky decorations.

    Reminders for trick or treaters

    Halloween festivities are best enjoyed with a measure of safety... the fun ends quickly if someone gets hurt.

    • Trick or treat together in small groups - kids should never go alone (even superheroes have sidekicks). A cell phone is a great safety net for older kids.
    • Can you see? Make sure your mask, wig, hat or cyclops eye doesn't mean you are tripping, getting hurt and heading home early.
    • Can people see you? Add something reflective or bright to your costume or candy bag so people can see you.
    • Only trick or treat at houses with lights turned on and NEVER enter a stranger's house, even if you are invited.
    • Let your parents go through treats and toss out any sketchy, open or unpackaged treats before you dig in.
    • Don’t criss-cross streets or run out from between parked vehicles. The gory stuff is meant to be pretend, not an actual car accident.

    Driving on Halloween

    • Slow down and expect kids to pop out at any time. Don't forget they are excited and sugared up.
    • NEVER drink and drive.

    Homeowners entertaining ghosts and ghouls at the door

    • If you are participating in Halloween, keep your lights on and porch or walkway clear of things kids could trip on.
    • It's encouraged to use candy chutes, slides, and tongs to deliver goodies with children standing further back than usual
    • Lighted pumpkins should be placed away from flammable objects and never left unattended. Better yet, use a small flashlight or glow stick in jack-o-lanterns.
    • Fireworks are not allowed in the City of Colwood unless you have taken a fireworks safety course and have obtained a permit.
    • Pet owners should keep their animals inside while trick or treaters are out and about. Pets and kids can both be a little unpredictable with all the Halloween excitement.

    Fireworks Safety

    Please follow safety precautions to avoid burns, blast injuries and fire hazards.

    • Fireworks are not permitted in the City of Colwood without a permit and a current safety course certificate. 
    • Only those 18 years of older, with a permit, may possess or discharge fireworks.
    • Choose a safe outdoor area for discharging fireworks: a bare area of ground away from buildings, overhead obstructions, trees, vehicles, dry grass and other flammables.
    • Spectators should watch from a safe distance, at least 20 metres upwind.
    • Have a garden hose or a large bucket of water or sand ready at the site.
    • Never point or throw fireworks at anyone or anything.
    • Never hold fireworks in your hand while lighting them.
    • Never attempt to re-light or move fireworks that fail to go off.
    • Firecrackers and bottle rockets are prohibited throughout Canada by federal regulation.