Colwood Council endorses new Draft Low Carbon Resilience Plan

"Low Carbon Colwood" banner featuring two children peeking over a wooden bridge in a forest.

The City of Colwood recognizes we are facing a climate emergency, as we see more extreme weather events such as flooding, sea level rise, heat waves, drought, wildfires and food insecurity put people and infrastructure at risk.

Colwood is creating a Low Carbon Resilience Plan to guide how our community will reduce greenhouse gas emissions while preparing for and managing the impacts of our changing climate. 

“Colwood is committed to taking strategic climate actions to protect people and assets in ways that create co-benefits for community prosperity and quality of life,” said Colwood Mayor Doug Kobayashi. “The Low Carbon Colwood plan is the first step in ensuring that future generations of Colwood’s children and grandchildren have the opportunity to enjoy a healthy natural environment.”

On November 14, 2022 Colwood Council endorsed the draft plan, with direction to engage community members in reviewing and providing feedback on the plan.

Solutions that multi-solve

The draft plan focuses on addressing both emissions reduction and climate adaptations in ways that are designed to multi-solve.

For example, by continuing to expand active transportation routes, improve transit frequency and develop complete neighbourhoods that offer daily needs within walking distance, all of which reduce vehicle use while supporting a high quality of life.

And by regulating clean home heating options that lower greenhouse gas emissions while also saving homeowners money on heating costs over the long term.

And through urban forest and stormwater management that helps to mitigate heatwaves, sequester greenhouse gases, guard against flooding, filter air pollution, and provide wildlife habitats, while offering the mental and physical health benefits of access to nature.

Clear climate action targets, strategies and tactics

The strategies outlined in the draft plan are designed to help the City reach targets of 30% emissions reductions by 2030, and to become a net zero community by 2050. Net zero is achieved when greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to as close to zero as possible, and ensuring systems (such as forests) are in place to absorb remaining emissions.

The plan includes the following five pathways that go on to lay out 13 strategies and 53 specific tactics our community can take to advance our Low Carbon goals:

  • Pathway 1: Strong Municipal Leadership on Low Carbon Resilient Solutions
  • Pathway 2: Low Carbon Transportation and Connected, Complete Communities
  • Pathway 3: Low Carbon and Resilient Buildings and Infrastructure
  • Pathway 4: Connected Urban and Natural Systems
  • Pathway 5: Thriving Circular Economy and Eco-Innovation Hub

Review the draft plan. We hope you'll take some time to review the full draft Colwood Low Carbon Resilience Plan to learn more.

Informational poster about the Low Carbon Colwood plan, encouraging public feedback on climate action goals and strategies.

We need your input

Are the targets of 30% emissions reduction by 2030 and net zero by 2050 appropriate? Not quick enough? Too ambitious? Do you agree that the strategies will have the desired impact? Are there other tactics you would suggest that you don't see in the draft? We'd love to hear your thoughts about the draft plan. 

Watch for these sounding boards when you are out and about in Colwood. They are designed to raise awareness about the community's approach to climate action, as well as to provide one quick and easy way to share feedback.

Take the survey. We hope people will be encouraged to dive into the details and share their thoughts at

Provide feedback

Current initiatives the City will continue to build upon

You may also be interested to learn a bit about just a few of the initiatives currently underway in Colwood that lay the foundation for strong climate action.

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Media Contact

Sandra Russell, Communications Manager

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