Colwood advances rezoning application for 150 units in the Sooke Road Transit Growth Area


To increase housing availability and choice on a transit route in an intended growth area for people at various ages and stages of life, Colwood Council has advanced a proposed rezoning of five lots at 2054 to 2076 Sooke Road from Residential to Transit Growth Area. This will enable the applicant to proceed with planning for two 6-storey apartment buildings for a total of 150 units.

An aerial map view of the area around Sooke Road, highlighting the subject properties located between Acacia Drive and Glencairn Lane.

The application was recommended to Council by the Planning and Land Use Committee, and on May 8 Council directed staff to proceed with preparation of a zoning bylaw.

Watch video and read materials from the May 8 Council meeting where the Sooke Road rezoning application was discussed. 

What is meant by Transit Growth Area

Colwood's Official Community Plan identifies Sooke Road, Kelly Road and Veterans Memorial Parkway between Kelly and Sooke Roads as an area of intended growth, where thoughtful density will promote transit use, enhance housing choice, and promote walking and cycling, while providing a gentle transition in scale to existing areas of predominantly single-family homes. The Transit Growth Area enables ground-oriented and low-rise buildings of 4 to 6 storeys that strive to improve pedestrian and transit experience, protect natural assets and incorporate aspects such as building set back, screening and stepped building design to sensitively transition to adjacent neighbourhoods,

Watch video and read materials from the April 24 Council meeting where the Transit Growth Area was discussed.