Home Alone? Join Church of the Advent for Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day at 12 noon at 510 Mount View Avenue in Colwood.
What to expect
Are you spending Christmas Day on your own without friends or family?
Come and join Church of the Advent on December 25th at 12 noon for a simple festive Christmas Dinner. We’re inviting 50 guests to enjoy a meal with us. Just good food, a few carols and games and lots of fun! There’s even a door prize!
Who’s invited? Anyone who is an adult, and without friends and family to celebrate with on Christmas Day.
There are fifty single tickets, at no cost. RSVP is essential or we won’t be able to reserve a seat for you. To sign up, go to the church website at www.colwoodanglican.ca. No groups. Transport is unfortunately not available. Bookings cannot be made by phone or email.
There is no cost for this event, but BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL.