Colwood is working to support the health, safety and success of youth in our community
Colwood was selected by Public Safety Canada to receive funding through the Building Safer Communities Fund to increase youth engagement in Colwood and foster the well-being and success of youth in our community. Specifically, to provide youth services and safe spaces with the goal of preventing gang and gun violence before it starts.
Working with local youth service providers to develop a youth strategy
The City engaged community-based youth service providers to produce a proposal called the Middle Years Strategy. The strategy outlines programs aimed at connecting youth to people, services, activities and skills to set them on a healthy and successful path.
Improving life for youth in Colwood
The Middle Years Strategy has resulted in the expansion of youth drop in programs and activities at West Shore Parks & Recreation and recruitment of a Youth Engagement Coordinator who will:
- Engage with youth to confirm and refine the approaches proposed in the Middle Years Strategy.
- Involve youth in program development and promotion.
- Explore opportunities to create a Youth Advisory Panel.
- Assist with the implementation and evolution of West Shore Parks & Recreation Youth Drop In programs and activities.
- Collaborate with West Shore community of practice/network of youth service providers to implement wraparound services that put youth first, focus on the family as a whole system, respect culture, provide continuity, and advance the development of a single integrative plan for a community of supports.
- Advance the development of an easy to access inventory of youth service providers, programs and activities available on the West Shore and in the region.
- Identify gaps and options to support youth who are waiting for supportive services.
- Assist with the promotion of services and supports available on the West Shore to encourage youth participation.
- Ongoing reporting, evaluation, development, and refinement of Youth Engagement Programs.
Resources for youth on the West Shore
We're working with partners to determine the best approach to create, disseminate and offer easy access to an accurate, up to date, shared list of resouces that youth on the West Shore can access to support their safety, health and success. See Youth Rresources for Getting help today, Community Resources, Helpful Apps, and Free things to do.
Partnerships & Collaboration
We work to support youth by fostering partnerships among government, non profit, private and public organizations, community groups and community members for a whole community approach.
This includes (but is not limited to) partners like West Shore Parks & Recreation, School District 62, Pacific Centre Family Services Association, BGC, Thrive Social Services, Washington Kids Foundation, West Shore RCMP, Safer Schools Together, the Village Initiative, Songhees Nation, Kosapsum Nation, neighbouring municipalities and many others.
Wraparound services
Youth activities to check out
BC Youth Week happens May 1 - 7, 2024. Watch for activity announcements!
Activities at West Shore Parks & Recreation
- Wednesday Youth Drop-In at West Shore Parks & Recreation 6:30 to 7:30 pm
Board games, video games or just some time to hang out, then hit the ice at Juan de Fuca arena for a $2 skate. The Shore is open after the skate if you’re looking for some snacks, a place to warm up and more fun.
- Thursday Youth Drop-In at Centennial Centre 3:15 to 7:15 pm
For youth in Grade 6 and up who love to paint, sculpt, print, sew, or draw - in the art studio where a variety of art materials will be provided for an evening of creative art making!
- Friday Youth Drop-In at West Shore Parks & Recreation
Board games, video games or just some time to hang out, then hit the ice at Juan de Fuca pool for a $2 swim. The Shore is open after the swim if you’re looking for some snacks, a place to warm up and more fun.
- LEGO Group – 2SLGHTQI+ Drop In 3:00 - 4:30 pm
Open to youth age 13-18 who identify (or are questioning/exploring their identity) as part of the 2SLGBTQI+ community. Facilitated by a Youth and Family Counsellor from Pacific Centre Family Services Association.
- Youth Drop In & Indoor Sports Floor - Various Days & Times (subject to change – check website)
Lots of fun at the Youth only swim then games and activities in the Indoor sports complex and The Shore (youth room). Different themes, special events and snacks provided.
- Youth Drop In Basketball
Mon & Tues 3-5pm, Thurs 7:30-9:00pm, Fri 3:00 – 4:30pm, Sat 4:30-6:30pm, Sun 10:30am – 12pm
- West Shore Skatepark
Open dawn to dusk all week long.
- Washington Kids Foundation Game Ready - partnership to bring at risk youth to West Shore Parks & Recreation for physical activity.
- Inter-cultural Association – partnership to bring new immigrant youth for drop in activities.
- Westshore Secondary School - partnership to provide Take a Hike class and Physical Education in the weight room.
- School District 62 English Language Learners - partnership to provide Spanish Teens program and Sparks program.
Spanish Teens: For Spanish speaking students to focus on emotional regulation, fostering connections, addressing a sense of belonging, and navigating cultural barriers and identity.
Sparks: Art-Therapy based program designed to support newcomer children 6-12 years old by providing them with the skills to adapt and adjust to their new communities and the Canadian school system.
- Chefs on the Shore - Youth cooking program in partnership with Thrive Victoria. Provides youth instruction on 2-3 recipes per week to encourage healthy eating and food security. Most youth referred from Thrive programs but open to all.
Learning for parents and educators
Understand and prevent risky behaviour in youth - June 2024
presented by Safer Schools Together
- Awareness session for parents and caregivers
June 18, 2024 from 9am to 12:30pm at Langford Legion
- Training Session for services providers who interact with vulnerable youth
June 18, 2024 from 6:15pm to 7:15pm at West Shore Parks and Recreation Field House
Gang Education Seminar - March 2024
presented by West Shore RCMP and BC's End Gang LIfe Initiative
- Understand current and local gang related activity
- Recruitment tactics
- How to identify early risk factors in youth
- Awareness and education on social media/substance use trends
- Importance of accessing community based supports