Protecting the sensitve ecology and archaeology of the shoreline and lagoon areas through a Waterfront Stewardship Plan
The Waterfront Stewardship Plan is informed by existing policies including Colwood's Official Community Plan, Active Transportation Network Plan, and Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Community and stakeholder input has been vital to the development and refinement of the plan. It will inform Council decision-making for the next 10 years.
The Waterfront Stewardship process began early in 2021 with detailed background analysis including comprehensive erosion and sea level rise studies, as well as input from community members, Songhees and Esquimalt Nations and other key stakeholders, project partners, and Colwood’s Waterfront Stewardship Committee.
The plan identifies approaches that protect the highly sensitive wildlife habitat and archeological resources with design that enhances accessibility and directs human activity to the most appropriate areas beyond the lagoon along the full length of the waterfront. It will also support climate action and clean initiatives that strengthen the local economy and build a resilient community.
The draft plan was referred to this new Colwood Council to be finalized and implemented. View the Waterfront Stewardship Plan (Mar2024).
Waterfront Multi-Use Pathway
A safe and accessible multi-use pathway running the nearly 4km length of the shoreline from the Lagoon Bridge to Royal Beach will inspire more people to get outdoors and active to enjoy this spectacular setting, and allow people to walk, wheel, scooter and cycle from Colwood’s town centre to the waterfront and connect to the vibrant seaside village envisioned for The Beachlands. There are also plans underway to improve active transportation from the Island Highway and Galloping Goose Regional Trail along Ocean Boulevard to connect to the new trail along the beach.
UPDATE! On April 17, 2023 Colwood received a $6M grant from the Canada Community-Building Fund for the creation of the Waterfront Multi-Use Pathway. Read more at
Work has begun, including First Nations consultation, archaeological and environmental studies, and finalizing the engineering design.