Notice of Public Hearing - 3698 Metchosin Rd - City Lands

Public Notice

NOTICE IS GIVEN that Council of the City of Colwood will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 6:30pm in relation to the proposed Bylaws:

“Colwood Official Community Plan No. 1700, 2018, Amendment No. 13 (3698 Metchosin Road – City Lands)” and “Colwood Land Use Bylaw No. 151, 1989, Amendment No. 215 (3698 Metchosin Road), Bylaw No. 2036, 2024”.

SUBJECT PROPERTY:  The bylaws apply to the lands legally described as “LOT A PLAN VIP58414 SECTION 51 52 & 53 ESQUIMALT” (3698 Metchosin Road). 


PURPOSE: This application proposes a joint OCP and Rezoning Amendment to expand the Latoria South Sub-Area Plan to include the subject property and to increase the allowable density by 500 units for all of Latoria South, provide a mix of potential employment uses and provide additional land to expand Quarry Park. 

INSPECTION OF MATERIALS: Copies of the proposed bylaws and related materials can be viewed here [PDF/15.7MB] or in person at Colwood City Hall from November 27, 2024, to December 11, 2024, between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday excluding statutory holidays.

We want to hear from you! 


For inclusion as part of the record, deadlines for receipt of written submissions is 12:00 pm on the day of the public hearing in the following ways:


In Person: The public will be permitted in the Council Chambers on a first come, first serve basis until capacity is met.

Electronically: Dial-in by phone 1-855-703-8985 (toll free) or 1-778-907-2071 or login to or the Zoom app. For both options use ID Number: 827 9291 2323

To pre-register to speak please contact up until noon on the day of the meeting. 


Contact Development Services at (250) 294-8153 or