Virtual Sharing Circle - Extreme Heat Research

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    Virtual Session

    Join the discussion about extreme heat events! Your insight will help shape heat adaptation strategies in the region. 

    Have you experienced an extreme heat event? The University of Victoria, in collaboration with the CRD, are researching the impacts of extreme heat occurrences. 

    The study could benefit from participants who live in the CRD and who were particularly vulnerable to extreme heat based on any of the following factors:

    • Demographics (e.g., older adults, persons living with disability, newcomers, pregnant or nursing parents etc.)
    • Work (e.g., outdoor workers)
    • Living situation (e.g., precariously housed, renting, isolated, high apartment tower etc.)

    Please RSVP on EventBrite

    Participants will receive a $50 honorarium 

    Flyer for a virtual event about extreme heat experiences on June 6th, 2023, with a $50 honorarium for participants.