Colwood taking bold steps toward Climate Action

A family of four enjoying a walk on a wooden bridge in a lush, sunlit forest.

Much of the Council discussion on Monday, August 28th about Colwood's new Climate Action Plan revolved around whether the City should aim to be Net Zero by 2050 or shorten the target to 2040. 

The commitment of Colwood Council to climate action is clear. Colwood’s newly adopted Climate Action Plan includes the goal of net zero (and 100% renewable energy) by 2050 or sooner, aligning with other municipal, provincial, and national level climate planning. This ambitious target could be accomplished sooner if that proves possible.   

In May 2019 Colwood joined all other municipal governments in this region in declaring a Climate Emergency. There is no doubt we are experiencing more frequent extreme heat events, wildfires, floods, and issues related to food insecurity, Locally and globally, addressing climate change is one of the most critical issues of our time. This plan is a response to the climate emergency and requires bold and collective action for success.

Colwood's Climate Action Plan provides a clear vision with a framework of goals, pathways, strategies, and concrete actions to reach our target of reducing emissions to Net Zero while building Climate Resilience and Maximizing Co-benefits.

Colwood's vision for Climate Action

Colwood aims to be a leader in integrated climate action and a community powered by renewable energy. To achieve this, the City will consider climate risk, emissions, and co-benefits in organization-wide decision making. Building resilience is a top priority, supporting vulnerable residents, and integrating action on biodiversity, such as through nature-based solutions that provide many services and benefits to the community.

The Pathways

The Pathways for climate action focus on key areas to achieve the goals for net zero, climate resilience and community co-benefits:

  • Municipal Leadership includes actions related to education, retrofitting civic buildings, electrification of Colwood's fleet and equipment, waste reduction and nature based solutions in City facilities, and climate friendly commuting.
  • Transportation & Complete Communities includes actions related to the climate resiliency of new developments, increasing active transportation networks, supporting transit use, and promoting affordable and accessible e-mobility.
  • Building & Infrastructure includes actions related to standards that result in zero emissions and resilient buildings and retrofits, and ensuring local energy accessibility and security.
  • Biodiversity & Nature-based Solutions includes actions related to protecting and restoring biodiversity, natural asset management, and prioritizing nature based solutions (things like urban forest preservation, park acquisition, protection of waterways and shorelines).
  • Food & Zero Waste includes actions related to locally grown food and food security, reducing emissions from waste, and diverting waste from the landfill.
  • Community Wellbeing & Eco-Innovation includes actions related to engagement, education, and empowerment to take action on climate change and support climate action in businesses and green economy opportunities..

A call to action

Urgent action by the City of Colwood is necessary, but the climate challenge requires action from everyone, including residents, businesses and industry, community organizations, institutions and other stakeholders. We must work in collaboration with partners throughout our region and beyond, including neighbouring municipalities, First Nations, provincial and federal government. Our success depends on everyone working together on this challenge.

Colwood residents have an important role to play. Together we can ensure our community is a healthy place for us and future generations. We can all take action to reduce GHG emissions and adapt to current and future climate change at home, on the road and at work. By urgently reducing emissions now, we can reduce future and irreversible impacts. While we are taking climate action, we will also improve our health and well-being, save money, protect our natural environment, and protect quality of life for future generations.

Making a start on Climate Action

Flyer listing ways individuals and families can take climate action and how to participate in Colwood's climate plan.

Learn more

Read the full Climate Action Plan [PDF/17.5MB] and watch for more information and opportunities over the coming months in your mailbox, inbox, and neighbourhood.

Questions? Reach out to Colwood's Climate Planner at


Media Contact

Sandra Russell, Communications Manager

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